Common-Trade, Common-Growth, Common-Wealth book launch 2012
October 2012
House of Commons, London, UK
Tim's first book: Common-Trade, Common-Growth, Common-Wealth had its Parliamentary launch in October 2012. We were fortunate to have Henry Bellingham MP, Africa Minister 2010-12; Richard Graham MP, PPS to the Commonwealth Minister; Kate Hoey MP; and Lord Poppat on the panel to discuss the opportunities of Commonwealth trade.
There was also a launch at Party Conference earlier that month which had Dan Hannan MEP; Andrew Rosindell MP; and Kamal Ahmed, formerly of the Sunday Telegraph on the speaking panel.
You can purchase a kindle version of Tim's book here or alternatively contact us for a hard copy.
L-R (Kamal Ahmed; Dan Hannan MEP; Ruth Lea; Andrew Rosindell MP; Tim Hewish