Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP stands up for Commonwealth migration and backs reform or Brexit

Conservative MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan has confirmed that, unless the UK secures major EU reform, she will back Brexit. When questioned on her position she has cited the unfair deal Commonwealth citizens get when it comes to UK migration policy as well as trade relations.

She said:

"It is my personal view that Great Britain has always been a nation which welcomes those from around the world who want to come to live and work here.

“I will always be an MP who believes in a good migration policy which we determine, not one which forces us to exclude Commonwealth nation citizens because we cannot control EU citizen movements. I do not want to see the UK remain within an EU which continues to move towards a federated states of Europe.

“We have always been, and can remain, trade partners and strong political allies with other European nations, whilst maintaining our sovereignty.”

You can read more about the current parlous state of Commonwealth migration in the UK and the impact this is having on us economically, socially, and culturally in our report "How to Solve a Problem like a Visa." You will also find six practical and pragmatic solutions to improve the situation.

You can also read our award winning Brexit Prize submission here.